Our Publications

We love sharing our passion for Customer-Centricity

Three decades of global change management taught us that an organization’s ability to orchestrate all eight drivers of Customer-Centricity harmoniously along the customer experience is the key factor of success. 

By means of our publications, we are sharing our passion for Customer-Centricity and hopefully triggering a dialogue that contributes to a further evolution of this prevailing marketing philosophy for sustainable results.    

Company Overview

This article provides a condensed company overview, including a summary of our solutions portfolio.

At the end of the overview, there is a link to a PDF file as well.

June 2018 - by Taco Nieuwenhuijsen

What does Customer-Centric Leadership mean in practice?

Customer-Centric Leaders relentlessly:

Demonstrate a genuine interest in their customers every single day.

Listen and talk with their customers.

Clearly and consistently put the customer first.

Advocate for internal cross-functional collaboration.

Sit on top of customer-metrics, and act accordingly.

Hire the right people.

Engage with frontline staff to understand their issues related to the customer experience. 


Românii îşi schimbă interesul de la smartphone-uri la laptopuri în timpul crizei Corona

În luna aprilie, interesul pentru laptopuri a depăşit maximul de căutare anual al Black Friday 2019 cu peste 30%. 

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Romanians are shifting their interest from smartphones to laptops during Corona Crisis

This April, the interest in laptops surpassed the annual search peak of Black Friday 2019 by more than 30%. 


While the majority of search queries for electronics and computers in Romania are based on a retailer brand name (e.g. eMAG or Altex), a product brand name (e.g. Samsung), or a generic device (e.g. tv), the most potential search queries...